Selenide - Create a Custom WebDriver
The beauty of Selenide is that it opens a browser automatically and closes it after each test. You don’t need to do anything, this is an out of the box feature.
But what if you need to open a browser with a custom configuration, for e.g. open in an incognito window or disable popup blocking. At the moment Selenide has 3 options:
- setWebDriver
- WebDriverProvider
You can read more about these two here in the Selenide official blog:
3. WebdriverFactory
Using WebdriverFactory will help you to customize the webdriver. This is a more convenient way to create a ChromeDriver instance with the specified options.
To start using WebdriverFactory, first you’ll need to create your subclass from the ChromeDriverFactory class with the extends
private static class MyFactory extends ChromeDriverFactory {
public MutableCapabilities createCapabilities(Config config, Browser browser, @Nullable Proxy proxy, File browserDownloadsFolder) {
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
return new MergeableCapabilities(options, createCommonCapabilities(config, browser, proxy));
Here you can add any ChromeOptions, just to name a few:
- chromeOptions.addArguments("--incognito");
- chromeOptions.addArguments("--start-maximized");
- chromeOptions.addArguments("--disable-popup-blocking");
- chromeOptions.addArguments("--disable-extensions");
Then you just need to use your configuration for each test with a custom webdriver:
Configuration.browser = MyFactory.class.getName();
For e.g.
public void testDemo() {
Configuration.browser = MyFactory.class.getName();
Selenide will start and shut down the browser automatically... but in case you need to open a browser with custom settings, this is also possible by using one of the above methods.