Cypress vs Playwright

Cypress vs Playwright


Cypress and Playwright are both end-to-end testing frameworks for web applications.

Cypress is an all-in-one testing framework that makes it easy for developers to write and run tests for their web applications. It runs directly in the browser and provides a real-time debugging experience, allowing developers to easily see the state of their application at any point in time.

Playwright, on the other hand, was created to address the limitations of existing testing frameworks and provides a more comprehensive set of features. It allows testers and developers to write tests once and run them on different browser platforms, making it easier to test web applications on different environments. Playwright also provides a robust set of APIs for automating and testing web applications.

Both Cypress and Playwright aim to simplify the process of writing and running tests for web applications, but they differ in their approach and feature set.

In my blog post, I will outline the key differences that I have observed between Cypress and Playwright testing frameworks, and explain why I personally prefer one over the other.

Two Key Differences

between Cypress and Playwright

Visual Debugging

Cypress provides a simple API that abstracts away the complexities of working with the DOM and network requests. One of the standout features of Cypress is its Visual Debugging feature, which includes time travel, live reload, errors & stack traces, native browser inspection, screenshots & videos. This feature is crucial for testers and developers who value fast feedback when developing test cases or analyzing failures in the pipeline. The Time Travel feature in particular can greatly speed up test development by allowing testers and developers to easily jump back and forth in time to see what happened during the test execution.

Test Analytics

As a QA professional, having a clear and comprehensive understanding of your test suite's performance is crucial. Test Analytics offers a solution for gaining actionable insights into this performance. This tool enables you to track the health of your project over time and detect updates to your test run's configuration. You can also monitor the sufficiency of your test code coverage and filter results by branch to identify areas for improvement.

Flake Severity Analytics provides a way to prioritize flaky tests based on frequency, recency, and severity, so that you can focus your time and resources on fixing the most problematic tests. Additionally, the Failure & Error Summary feature provides a summary of the most common error classes in your test suite, along with the exact error messages and the number of tests impacted by each error.

In short, Test Analytics is a valuable tool for QA professionals looking to improve the performance of their test suites and gain a deeper understanding of their project's health.


In conclusion, both Cypress and Playwright are powerful end-to-end testing frameworks, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Cypress is a bold and assertive framework, and you know what? I like that about it! In my view, the advantages of having a well-defined set of strengths outweigh the drawbacks of being too diverse and generic. Instead of being a jack of all trades, it's better to excel in a few areas, don't you agree?

As a seasoned QA specialist, I was blown away by the visual debugging feature in Cypress, particularly its time travel capability. After three years of working with it, switching to another testing framework felt like a significant setback.

When it comes to picking a testing framework, testers and developers typically seek two critical elements: a test runner to run your tests and show if they pass or fail, and a robust assertion library to perform various verifications and validations. Cypress knocks it out of the park with both of these and elevates the experience with its unparalleled test analytics and reporting that effortlessly integrates into the CI/CD process. In truth, the test analytics offered by Cypress are the cream of the crop in the industry.


Discover the latest npm trend comparison between Cypress and Playwright with this interactive popularity chart link:

I've got a fantastic video for you to check out. This YouTube link delves into the technical contrasts between cypress and playwright with great detail. If you're looking to expand your knowledge, this is definitely a must-watch!